So, last post for the year! Just some pics to feast your eyes on. Mega Battle last night 14000pts a side. The Kabal did well taking on a whole flank with over 4000pts on it. Some outflanking stealers and a unit of bloodcrushers did arrive to help out.
Cheers and see you in the new year. Lots more to come :D
Oh and I won the raffle for the mega battle and this allowed me to purchase my next raider. I think I will convert one up to be the ride for my Grotz!
So, an update for today. I worked on making some Grotesques last night. There are three of them: one regular, one aberration and one with a liquifier gun. I have decided to give these chaps a try. Seems like they would make a good WWP delivery service and they are tough and can take return fire. The question now is do I run them with an archon or a heamy? Im thinking the archon if I want them to get stuck in... but the heamy might do nicely as well although he will die as soon as they hit combat... ah Anyhow.
My green-stuff-fu is not so good. But I am slowly practicing, and actually using it. Anyhow, hope you like them. Should I make more?
Highlights of the game: - The 9 hellions rocked a blob squad (in the turn they charged they did 20 wounds!)
This was a good game for the Dark eldar, I tried a few different things out this time. For once I decided to go first, I did a few pot shots but only managed to kill a few guardsmen and soft-kill a chimera... the return IG turn saw my bloodbride raider go down... and kill 5 out of 8 :O. The razorwing lived up to its name... unloaded all its rockets and then died... I also tested the Duke, and although I did not use his deepstrike rule I did use the drug choosing and got to pick the re roll wounds drug.
The triple lance ravager did well, killing the valk, and then not dying after 3 pen hits. Lucky bugger.
Anyway, WIN for the DE killpoint mission.
Some pics from the game: Dark Eldar Deployment, the hellions and the jetbikes were kept in reserve. IG deployment left: Ig Deployment right:
You will notice that the biggest mistake he made was splitting his army... he did want to have a "bait" force (the right) but it was quite jucy in a killpoint mission, having 3 KP close to it. I would have deployed the large footslogging blob squad there... and harassed the DE flank, forcing them into a war of attrition.
Turn 2: The hellions moved on: and then assaulted the blob turn 3, doing 20 wounds (then again my brother made 9 saves on 5+!)
IG T2: The valk shows up, but falis to do anything to the ravager on the back right Dark eldar flank: and then the ravager blows the valk up and kills 6 of the veterans within on turn 3:
T4: The hellions hit and run against the blob squad on IG turn 3 and then combined shooting from a closeby raider squad and the help the the remaining reavers the massive blob is finally dead and the survivors consolidate to face the executioner:
Towards the end of the game the remaining DE forces converged on the Imperial Guard position. Here the ravager moves up and lines up a shot:
it is hard to talk about tactics without talking a look at what as a dark eldar commander i have come to dread the most on the other side of the table. the imperial guard are one of those armies that have tools for every job in every list at such a reasonable price that they can have a lot of whatever it is. chimeras and hydras come to mind as they auto trump a lot of the dark eldar strengths at the baseline. over the course of the next week i will be looking at the ways that i have personally worked against this army as it has made me a better commander.
Hehe, well this day I have been working on some of the Dark eldar that I have bought over the last couple'o months. The goal for my army, is to have the new models finished and ready for my trip to the Vegas GT!. Yes, thats right I gots myself a ticket!
So, we have a raider a Ravager with triple lances and a ten man squad of Kabalite Warriors with a Shredder and a Splinter Cannon. As you might have noticed, modeling wise I am trying to make the models look as dynamic as possible with as little extra work as possible. The sails on the Aether sails have been taken off because I dont pay for the upgrade and I want to remail WYSIWYG... and I think that the raider/ravager models look a bit bland without at least the spines. When I double up the kits I will have the actual deployed sails just in case I ever feel like trying something new.
Well, thanks for following my posts. Have a great couple of days and cheers and merryment to all!
Units that I have found to be the most cost effective:
6 Incubi + Raider with FF - add an archon for PGL. Good size for a unit, will do a lot of damage and live to tell the tale. I have had these guys take out 2 - 3 times their points cost (including the character) in more games than not. Excellent unit point for point.
6 Wyches Hexatrix with Agonizer+ Raider with FF - very cheap and effective. I run 2 units like this in my army. Against tough opponents make sure to try and get both squads gang up on something. I find more than 6 wyches is too many, and less is too few. Add haywires if you want more AT.
10 Warriors, Blaster, Sybarite, SC + Raider Splinter Racks... very good all round unit. Not on the highest priority of enemy targets until it gets that fists short range volley off against the enemy. Make sure you use these true gun boats in close support of the wyches... to soften up targets. And for the point cost, a very cost effective unit.
Archon, Shadow Field, Agonizer, Combat Drugs... cheap, and very killy. Add the PGL if you are running uncubi. This guy is worth every point. I like to give him the haywire grenades... just, in, case.
Heamonculus, liquifier. For 50pts giving feel no pain to any unit at the start of the game is a great bonus. And for the small points of the upgrade, you get a fantastic template weapon! A very cost effective unit, point for point. ( I personally like to attach him to the incubi if i dont roll a pain token on the combat drugs)
And lastly:
The Ravager. IMO still the most point effective heavy support choice in the DE book. I always add the Night Shields and Flickers on these three... And they never fail to impress (well sometimes they do, especially when all three lances chose to fail miserably at anything for multiple turns). I run one with lances and two with dissies. If running hellions then I run two with lances and one with dissies.
So, to remain in the spirit of this topic, these are the units that I have found to be the most cost effective when using them repeatedly in the games that I have had over the last month and a bit. They are offshoots from the units that I used to run under the old book, and they work just as well.
-Are there any units that you have found to be the most effective?-
So, the basic list of the Kabal under the new book is almost unchanged from the list that I used to run in the old book, bar the inclusion of a few of the new gadgets. First a Picture:
This is your basic killing machine, he joins the incubi... basically a point and click unit, they have been the MVP's in more games that I can remember, both in this book and in the last one.
6 Incubi Raider with Flicker Field
They run with the Archon, and kill things. They are at the forefront of the army and it has been hard to try and develop a list without their killing power... Little can match the power of the incubi. The power from pain rule really makes these a powerful unit, once they have acheived the furious charge, they are absolutely amazing.
Two of these units make the backbone of the army, they are all round good units. The splinter racks make these two units quite formidable when shooting, especially at short range. They will usually stay in reserve and come into the battle where their powerful shooting can turn the tide of the battle. They can wipe out tough opponents (thanks to poison and sheer number of wounds).
This third unit of Kabalite warriors is the stand in for the old sniper squad of old. Yes, it is 40 points more expensive at the core... but it still provides a good anchor to the army. The raider is there as another lance, and the shock prow is for last turn contesting and tank shoking off of objectives on the last turns of the game.
6 Wyches, Hexatrix, Agonizer Raider with Flicker Field
Two units of wyches, they provide good additional close combat potential and additional pressure on the enemy. They used to be in the elite section, but now that they are troop, if they ever survive they can go on to take objectives that they have previously cleared. They work best in conjunction and in close support of another unit, say Kabalite Warriors or Incubi.
4 Reaver Jebtibes. Blaster, Champion with a power weapon.
This unit is one of the hidden gems in the list. They are very fast... they hit things as they fly over them making them great to take on smaller depleted units over the course of the game or those campers in the backfield. The power weapon makes the unit a threat against smaller units, and the blaster makes it a threat to tanks, but this is not their primary role and should only be used when in dire need, like against an armored column. Always keep this unit in reserve and put them into play where they can be the most effective when they arrive.
2 Ravagers, Flicker fields and Night Shields
One with triple lances, one with triple dissintegrators. They are the workhorses of the army, they eliminate, or soften things that need softening or eliminating, the enemy will know this, and they are targeted a lot, the night shields and flickers help a lot, just use them wisely to get the most out of them.
1 Razorwing, Flicker field, Night shield, Splinter cannon, dissintegrators.
This is the alfa striker in the list... with 4 large blasts at str 6 and 6 dissintegrator shots and 6 splinter cannon shots, the turn this arrives any one unit will feel the pain. I put 22 wounds on a 20 man guard blob the last game I played... and killed 11... even with the unit having gone to ground. Statistically improbable yes. This unit is a great unit, expensive points wise and so must be used wisely but it covers one of the things that the Dark Kin struggle with, horde control.
Ok so this is the rundown of my tournament list. With it I am usually placing in the top spots. Its not only about the list it is also about each individual situation and it is always good to have a variety of units that will help in a variety of situations.
Welcome to The Kabal Portal. Your hub for everything and all other things Dark Eldar.
I am a dedicated Dark Eldar player who has been playing with the Dark Kin for about 2 years now, yes, I know, before the "new" book. I am a very big tournament player, being competitive in nature. The strategic and tactical elements of Warhammer 40K entrap me (or obsess me, just ask my wife). I began to play Dark Eldar to provide myself with a tactical challenge. Why?
Well for one Dark Eldar are fragile... of you are not careful the army will crumble and you will find yourself trying to stop games from falling through the cracks of defeat. The army might be fragile as all hell, but Oh MY! does it hit like a tonne of bricks. Anyway, I hope that you the reader get what you are looking for here.
Tactical Hobby Challenge Fluff
May you find what you seek.
Here is something that I am working on at the moment: