Had another campaign game yesterday. Annihilation, Table Quarters.
He attacked my fortress.. and therefore I had 5% more points (92) and I also used my soldier card on him making him go first. This was good for me because he was using 2 autarchs and alot of jetbikes and a lot of cannons and scatter lasers.
Mission was table quarters and annihilation (victory points). I have modified my list to include another heamonculus. and I loved it.
20 warriors with 2 lances deployed with the heamy with WWP. And dropped it almost in the middle of the table. I had the hellions, jetbikes and one foot wych unit in reserve.
Anyway... after his second turn thing just went very ugly for him. My grotesques assaulted the warwalkers (that lasted the entire game)
I blew up a fireprism and my razorwing did well and blew 6 jetbikes from a 9 man unit into oblivion. The hellions charged said unit and ground them down (although they lost the first round of combat) His harlequins bounced off the grotesques and all in all he had a rough game.
All he had left at bottom of 5 was a warwaker (messed up) and immobile fireprism and waveserpent. I must make this note:
- Grotesques are awesome, they took so much damage! I am glad I decided to add them to the list itself. Cheers.
So massacre in my favour.